2012--- 2013 ---2014

A new field. A new schedule (only playing one night). A new post-game bar.  A new coach (we wish!).  The 2013 season had a lot of newness, including four new players (Henry, Muna, Kenza & Maddy) but carried through the 30 years of tradition in fine form… namely, no one had any major injuries or on-field heart attacks!!  Yeah, us!  Oh, and the Pups won the annual Pups v. Farts game.
It’s true, friends: We ended with a less-than-spectacular win-loss record.  But let’s take solace in knowing we actually played to our team’s tradition: Our 3-11 record is on par with the 2-11 record that the team compiled in 1982, its first full season as a team.  And look at all that’s happened since then.  Carry on, softballers!  Heads held high!  And let’s see if Rothman will come back.